Time management for college students is a big issue that a lot of students don't control correctly. Managing your time is even more vital when your a working student. There are many ways to manage your time that can help you while working and going to school. It can be overwelming if you aren't managing your time wisely. This causes stress that you should not put on yourself.
Ten Time Management steps for College Students:
1) Get a calender. This way you can place everything down for the week such as appointments, meetings, work schedule, classes, and assignments that are due.
2) WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING! This way you can't say you forgot something. Keep a little notepad with you. It's small enough to fit into your purse, pocket, or bookbag.
3) Relax! Make sure you have time for yourself. It's important to give yourself time to breath. Even though you have a lot of pressure on yourself and you have a lot to do make sure you also do not stress yourself out.
4) Avoid procrastination. This is hard for almost anyone. Most of the time we wait until the last minute to get things done. This is very unhealthy. Not only does it cause stress, it also causes you to stay up late and not always make the best grade possible.
5) Focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking may seem like a good idea, but you really get more done by focusing on one thing at a time.
6) Team up with classmates. It's always a good idea to have a buddy in each class. Exchange numbers or email addresses just incase your ever struggling and need an extra hand.
7) Study and work at the same time. If at all possible look for a job around campus. If not try to find a job where you are capable to study while working.
8) Learn to say NO. Determine how to spend your time instead of letting others do it for you. Knowing your priorities helps to stay focused. Everytime you say yes to something, you are saying no to everything else you had to do before.
9) Utlize your spare time. Between classes spend your time going over notes or reviewing before a test.
10) Know when your most productive. Most student have a time during the day where they are most productive. This may be first thing in the morning or later in the night. Use the time where your most productive to tackle your most complicated task of the day.
These are a few of many steps that deal with time management for college students. These tips can be very useful. Good time management skills give you control of your time and your life. Learning these skills will give you control of your work, school, and personal life.
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